Viikonloppuna pukeuduin ensi kertaa rautakautisiin vaatteisiin. Huisia!
Asu ei ole mikään viimeaikainen salaprojektini, vaan lainassa sen tehneeltä Sahralta. Olin mallina Sahran järjestämässä Rautakauden muotia esitelleessä muotinäytöksessä.
Rautakauden vaatteet ovat komeita koruineen ja pronssispiraalikoristeluineen, mutta pujahtaminen toisen aikakauden vaatteisiin oli erikoinen kokemus. Vähän tuntui kuin olisi ollut dragissa, vaikka asu sopi ja istui niin kuin se olisi ollut minua varten tehty. Suomalaisen rautakauden vaatteissa tulee jotenkin semmoinen emäntämäinen olo!
Taas tuli kiinnostavalla tavalla huomattua, miten vaatteet saavat saman kropan näyttämään ihan erilaisille. Sama ero on tietenkin keskiaikavaatteiden ja modernien vaatteiden välillä, mutta siihen vaihteluun on niin tottunut, ettei sitä huomaa oikein ajatella. Oli hauskaa hämmentää tuttuja ihmisiä, jotka eivät tunnistaneet lainavaatteissa.
Houkuttaako oman rautakautisen asun tekeminen? Tavallaan. Värit, tekniikat ja kaikki saatavilla olevat suomalaiset lähteet tietenkin viekottelisivat, mutta toisaalta pelkään ettei olisi aikaa (eikä kotona säilytystilaa) uppoutua toiseen aikakauteen niin syvällisesti kuin haluaisin. Ja toisaalta suhteeni keskiajan muotiin on niin intohimoinen, ettei se anna tilaa syrjähypyille uusiin aikakausiin. Mutta toisaalta ikinä ei pidä sanoa ettei koskaan.
This weekend I did something I had never done before: I wore an outfit from the Finnish Iron Age!
This isn’t my new secret project – it is actually owned and made by Sahra, who organised an Iron Age fashion show I modeled in.
Iron Age clothes are pretty cool with all the bronze spirals and jewelry. Switching into clothes from a completely different time felt quite exotic. I felt like I was in drag, although the outfit fit like it had been made for me. Finnish Iron Age clothing makes me feel like such a matron!
It was interesting to see how different clothes change the way you and your body and your silhouette look. I’ve gotten so used to switching between modern and medieval clothes I forget about the difference there, but my Iron Age detour reminded me about that. I had a great time shocking people who didn’t recognise it was me at all, because the clothes were so different!
So do I now want an outfit of my own? Kind of. All the colours, the techniques and all the available finnish sources do tempt me. But on the other hand, I’m afraid I won’t have time (or storage space at home) to become involved in another era as deeply as I like to. And honestly, my love affair with medieval fashion is so passionate that I maybe cannot stray into other eras. But then again, never say never!
I love the outfit! I like so many eras, costume wise, that it’s difficult to keep up, both on the sewing, financing and storage….
The costume is wonderful!
Personally, I’m about to venture into some Viking reenactment. I kind of wonder whether I’ll ever like it the same as the 1300s. I also wonder how I’ll cope when the information we have about costume is so incredibly sparse – just a couple of tiny Valkyrie pins and a couple of scraps of fabric on the back of some broaches!
Oh, and I also wanted to say how much I enjoy and look forward to your posts. They are always fascinating and inspirational!
Good luck on your venture into viking things! The funny thing is that in Finland there is a lot of research and good stuff available on Iron Age costume, whereas info on Finnish medieval clothes is pretty sparse.
Oh and I am happy you like my posts! :)))
You look great! I hate to appear ignorant, but what are the years of the Finnish Iron Age? It sounds very long ago.
And I know what you mean about switching passions. For a few years I’ve been making cheese and this year I tried homemade bacon. It was delicious and I’m tempted to try other meats and other cured things. I love learning the old techniques of storing food, both the craft and the science of it. And it’s a good mental stretch to do something different. But my heart belongs to cheese.
14th Century, cheese – some passions burn so brightly nothing else compares! Just like you say: ”And it”™s a good mental stretch to do something different. But my heart belongs to cheese.”
Finnish Iron Age is usually put at 500 BC -1300 AD. So a pretty long period.
It’s a lovely outfit; I wish I had the skill to make one that good, since Iron Age is my favorite area of costume history!
You look absolutely stunning in the Iron Age dress! Not a surprise though. You look stunning in everything.
Thank you everyone! That outfit is great! Sahra is very talented! I love all the details and the bling.
To answer Alicia question, though, my understanding is that the Iron Age in Finland at least overlaps with what has been called the Viking Age. One famous Finnish Iron Age series of textile finds from a gravesite at (near?) Eura has been dated to about 1000 C.E. The reconstructions of that find look a lot like the outfit Elina is wearing in the photos with her post.
You look fantastisc!
I’m so happy I found your site!! I just moved to Australia to be with my boyfriend and have joined his medieval group: Black Wolf. :-) They’re a 12th century trader caravan with people from France, Russia, Hungary, Scotland, etc. and with our first event coming up in July I have to choose a persona. I am leaning towards 12th Century Finland and found your site while I was looking for clothing. :-) I’ve always been a WWII girl, so medieval history is very new to me. I love it. :-) Thanks for inspiring me tonight! :-)
jos tuntuu siltä että haluaisit antaa näitä kuvia käyttöön suomen rautakautta käsittelevään tietokonepeliin olisitko ystävällinen ja laittaisit sähköpostia niin kerron enemmän. Käden jälki, tunnelma ja autenttisuus on niiiin kohdillaan että huimaa.
Kiitos ja kumarrus.